Dell Tablet Prototype 7-inch New With Slide Out Keyboard Slide & Soft touchpad

Coinciding in organizing the event Dell Tech Camp Europe which is usually held annually in London, the electronics manufacturer Dell looks just showing off some concept of tablets that may be sold this year. The event itself is only inviting the consumers, journalists and analysts from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Among the devices on display at the event, there is a 7-inch tablet attractive and get attention. Tablet design is based on the design of Dell Inspiron Duo, and even been enhanced course.

7-inch tablet is equipped with a slide-out keyboard features a split in two and has a touch pad that is soft in the middle.

One of the leading designers for Dell industrial design department named Michael Smith, also suggest that although the concept is just three or four years, Dell requires a device that will attract young people who prefer and often chatting or playing games.

According to Smith, this time Dell is developing some concept of tablets, including one with a screen that can be removed like a Transformer Asus. However, currently only a prototype with a sliding keyboard that is being developed and have high chances to be launched to the market this year.

While Dell has not convinced with the support of the operating system that will be given to the tablet hybrid, but Smith just said that Dell has high expectations for the Windows operating system 8.

Although this may be more than clues, but it's still too early to assume that the 7-inch tablet is eventually going to the Windows platform carried 8. And now there are so many tablets a dual-boot out there that can operate two operating systems at once.

Meanwhile, Dell's own party is also in the process of launching 10-inch Dell tablet Streak Pro it globally. The plan, 10-inch tablet that will make its official debut in China, though Dell also will release tablets in Europe and the U.S. at the end of this year.

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